The mission of Venture Sheets Charitable Giving Program is to support charities that help improve our communities quality of life. Our goals are to provide for those in need and assist those who are working to better their communities. We make financial contributions to the charities listed below, as well proudly sponsor events that enhance the vitality of our neighborhoods, celebrate our community's success and support local charities.
our charities
HILLCREST TRANSITIONAL HOUSINGHillcrest’s primary objective is to move clients from homelessness to self-sufficiency within 90 days by addressing the total life situation of the homeless families they serve. Hillcrest also provides a transitional housing program for homeless teens and young adults, ages 16-21, who have an educational goal. This unique program offers housing & supportive services for up to 24 months. In exchange for rent/utility-free housing, aduts are required by written agreement to find full-time employment, obey program guidelines and attend weekly volunteer-taught classes in life skills, employment, community living and budgeting. Hillcrest also provides to clients in the transitoinal housing programs the following, through a network of community support: auto repair/donation, food pantry, medical assistance, dental work, GED classes, haircuts, glasses, school clothes, work uniforms, etc. |
HABITAT FOR HUMANITY KANSAS CITYHabitat for Humanity Kansas City is the seventh oldest affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International. It is a non-profit organization working to fulfill the dream of home ownership for low-income families in the greater Kansas City metropolitan area. Their goal is to provide decent, affordable homes to qualified families and has addressed issues of poverty housing all over the world. |